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Elton Loki mini bordoodle sold
  • Elton Loki mini bordoodle sold


    Meet Elton - he's a lovely black and white mini bordoodle . He was born on 13 September 2023 and is 12 weeks. He's the last of the litter despite him having the loveliest temperament and softest fur. I've started training him and he sits on command, walks loose leash and is mostly toilet trained.

    I'm shiniest of blacks and my hair has loose curls just like a little lamb! I’m very friendly and relaxed. I'm smarty pants! See me sitting so straight and tall!


    I'm a Bordoodle puppy! See the description of my nature, what my parents are like and the type of home I'm looking for below.


    blue collar. Microchip number 95600001492229


    Color: Cream

      We are an ethical breeder and thus will help rehome your puppy/dog. Please see the full Returns and Refund policy section of our website. 


      Ideally you will come and collect your puppy so you can meet Iris and our family. However we can deliver puppies to areas within 200 KM of Castlemaine, Victoria for petrol costs only. This includes Melbourne. We can help you to arrange suitable puppy transport if you are unable to collect the puppies personally. 

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